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Plan to Give

Consider making a plan. Give to the League.

Make a Bequest

Including the League in your will is an attractive option for many. With the opportunity for flexibility, bequests may specify a specific amount, asset, or  estate percentage. The League of Women Voters of Colorado encourages anyone considering a bequest to discuss it with their estate-planner.

Sample Bequest Language: 
"I give [% of estate / specific dollar amount / asset / etc.] to the League of Women Voters (LWVCO) for its general use and purposes. LWVCO, a Colorado nonprofit public benefit corporation, is currently located at 1410 Grant Street, Suite B204, Denver, CO 80203. LWVCO Federal Tax ID: 84-1135313"

Gifts of Stock

Did you know you can give gifts of stocks to support the work of the League of Women Voters of Colorado? To facilitate electronic transfer, receipt, and proper acknowledgement of your gift, please provide the below information to your broker. We are happy to discuss with you or your broker.

DTC Number: 0226
Account Number: 676-799851
Account Name: League of Women Voters of Colorado, Inc.
Federal Tax ID: 84-1135313

Unused Retirement Assets

Gifting an under-utilized IRA, 401(k), 403(b), pension, or other tax-deferred plan can benefit you and your family while supporting LWVCO far into the future. Continue to take regular lifetime withdrawals and maintain the flexibility to change beneficiaries as your family's needs change.

To gift your retirement assets, simply contact your retirement plan or IRA administrator, naming the League of Women Voters of Colorado as a beneficiary. Please notify of us or your intentions; we would be happy to work with your plan administrator.

Retained Life Estates

Transfer the title of or residence, farm, or vacation home to the League of Women Voters of Colorado while reserving a life tenancy for yourself. This kind of significant gift removes a taxable asset from your estate, provides immediate income tax relief, all while preserving use and control of your property.

To discuss how LWVCO may benefit from a retained life estate gift, please contact our office. We look forward to the conversation!

Gifts of Life Insurance

Make a meaningful philanthropic gift while preserving other assets for yourself and family. You can name the League of Women Voters of Colorado as the primary beneficiary of your life insurance policy or as contingent beneficiary should your other beneficiaries not survive you. With little paperwork, you can leave a legacy, continue ownership of your policy, remove a taxable asset from your estate, and maintain the flexibility to adjust beneficiaries in the future.

To make a gift of insurance, simply contact your life insurance company and request a Change of Beneficiary/Ownership Form. Simply designate the League of Women Voters of Colorado as beneficiary of your policy.

Gift a Vehicle

Donate your old car to LWVCO! It is easy, tax deductible, and through our partnership with Vehicles for Charity, we'll take care of the towing. After completing THIS online form, a representative from Vehicles for Charity will contact you. Here is what will happen:

1. Complete the online donation form
2. The donation is credited to the LWVCO account.
3. The donor removes license plates and signs the title prior to pick-up.
4. Vehicle pickup is scheduled.
5. Depending on the vehicles condition, it is either taken to auction or taken for recycling.


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