Position in Brief
The League of Women Voters of Colorado believes it is the responsibility of the government to provide support for conditions under which credible local journalism can survive and thrive.
The League of Women Voters of Colorado defines local news as accurate, in-depth coverage of government entities, including but not limited to, city councils, county councils, county boards of commissioners, health departments, schools, and school boards.
Local News (2023)
LN - 1: The League of Women Voters of Colorado supports credible and ethical local journalism, in whatever format it is published, as essential to our democracy.
LN - 2: The League of Women Voters of Colorado supports efforts to ensure everyone has access to information necessary for casting an informed ballot and believes that credible local news sources are integral to this pursuit.
LN – 3: The League of Women Voters of Colorado believes that support for the viability of local news may take a variety of forms. Control of the content must remain exclusively with the news organizations.
LN – 4: The League of Women Voters of Colorado also believes media literacy and news education, including support for journalism students, are essential. These opportunities should be expanded in schools and throughout communities.
LN – 5: The League of Women Voters of Colorado believes that everyone should have access to comprehensive, credible local news and that barriers to access should be removed. These barriers include, but are not limited to, geography, economic status, and education.