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HomeReproductive Freedom Task Force


Purpose: to promote the collective actions necessary to advance equity and justice in Colorado’s systems and policies in issue areas aligned with League positions.

This is a sub-committee of the Healthcare Task Force.

The Reproductive Freedom Task Force's purpose is to inform and engage members across the state to promote collective actions around reproductive rights issues as they are strongly aligned with a stated League position(s). By increasing the understanding and importance of this issue through education, this Task Force hopes to  influence public policy and legislation at all levels through advocacy, while speaking with one League voice. 

The Reproductive Freedom Task Force coordinates with local Leagues and other organizations advocating for policies in this area. They will organize webinars, workshops and presentations on major topics of interest within the reproductive justice arena  and promote justice and equity through advocacy at all levels of government.  They are closely aligned with the efforts of the LWVCO Legislative Action Committee and the LWVUS to ensure cohesion. 

LWVUS on Reproductive Choice

Resolution on Abortion (6/2022): Be it resolved that the LWVUS supports the rights of women and those who can become pregnant to self-determination related to, and including, but not limited to bodily autonomy, privacy, reproductive health, and lifestyle choice. 11/2021:  The passage of the Texas 6-week abortion ban may spawn copycat laws in other states. With additional considerations regarding reproductive choice working their way through the courts systems, other legislation may also be inspired by upcoming decisions. LWVUS supports a woman’s right to make her own decisions about her healthcare. 5/2022: “Our ability to participate in our democracy is dependent on our autonomy over our own bodies. The League of Women Voters signed on as amicus partners in Dobbs in September 2021, and stand in support of the upcoming Bans Off Our Bodies rallies across the nation. We will continue to follow the lead of reproductive rights organizations across the US in the fight for abortion care. “ Dr. Deborah Ann Turner

Committee Chair: Sharon Davis

Want to learn more? Check out the Reproductive Freedom Task Force newsletters:
Volume 1 Released March 2023     
Volume 0 Released December 2022

Fact sheets on three bills signed into law in 2023:
Anti-Abortion Centers Fact Sheet
Insurance Coverage Protected Health
Protect Patients and Providers Fact Sheet

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