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Date: 8/13/2021
Subject: Your August Issue of The Voter: The Voice of LWVCO
From: Beth Hendrix

Colorado Voter
• AUGUST 2021 

The Latest On Redistricting
The Colorado Independent Congressional and Legislative Redistricting Commissions, established by Amendments Y and Z in 2018, are drawing Colorado's congressional and state legislative districts. Both Commissions have submitted preliminary maps and are holding a series of statewide public hearings through the end of this month to gather input from Colorado voters.
8/14: Greeley
8/18: Highlands Ranch
8/20: Woodland Park & Pueblo
8/21: Canon City & Buena Vista
8/24: Commerce City
8/25: Brighton
8/28: Colorado Springs

This Month In Voting Rights History
August is a significant month in the history of equal voting rights.
On August 18, 1920, Tennessee became the 36th state to ratify the 19th Amendment, which was passed by Congress in 1919 and required three-fourths of states for ratification. (At that point, there were 48 states.)
As for Colorado, we were the 22nd state to ratify in December 1919. Our state is also notable in the suffrage movement for letting women vote since 1893, thanks to an election that enfranchised women by referendum.
Eight days later, on August 26, the Secretary of State signed a proclamation certifying the Amendment. This date would eventually be celebrated as Women's Equality Day, thanks to a Congressional designation in 1973 and a Presidential proclamation every year since.

Upcoming Events

Membership Engagement Forum
Wednesday, August 25
5:30 p.m.

There's always something going on in every Colorado League... so how do we get more people to actively engage?


Join our upcoming forum to share ideas, successes and challenges regarding member engagement! Let’s brainstorm ways to help members become more active within their local Leagues.

Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
(JEDI) Forum
Wednesday, September 1
5:30 p.m.
As an organization, we are committed to these principles and putting them into action. How does your company or organization succeed in these areas? How can we help one another to continually improve and be mindful? Come to this session ready to discuss making lasting, meaningful changes in our community and beyond!
Nonpartisanship & Partnerships
Wednesday, September 8
5:30 p.m.
Question: Does the League’s nonpartisan policy affect our ability to partner with outside groups?
Answer: No!
Learn more about how strategic relationships can help our community grow.
Voter Services Forum
Thursday, September 16
5:30 p.m.
We provide a broad range of support to the public, including registering voters, contacting elected officials, clarifying legislative processes and promoting media literacy. Where can we do more? What would have a greater impact? Have you seen other outreach that might work for our goals?
Help us answer these questions by attending our forum. We look forward to hearing your insights during this open conversation!


Help promote student voting rights! The Students Learn Students Vote Coalition and the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge are conducting national surveys to build collaborative relationships between campus representatives and local election offices. Do you have any contacts in these areas? Please ask them to participate in this process by taking a 10-minute campus or election official survey by THIS Monday, Aug. 16.
The Quarterly Business & Economic Indicators Report, produced by the Leeds Business Research Division at CU Boulder and the Colorado Secretary of State's Office, shows that Colorado is recovering from the 2020 recession. "While the latest data is encouraging, we know that the pandemic has deepened wealth and income inequalities in our state,” Jena Griswold, Colorado Secretary of State, said. “There is incredible opportunity to ensure that Colorado’s strengthening economy is benefiting all communities.”
Save the date for Tuesday, Sept. 28... National Voter Registration Day is almost here! Learn more on their website, and stay tuned to our platforms for updates about how LWVCO and our local Leagues will be participating.
Are you interested in supporting the League at the national level? LWVUS is currently accepting applications for the 2022-2024 Board of Directors and Nominating Committee. Submit your materials by Friday, Oct. 29 -- apply here for the Board or the Committee.
LWVPPR Debuts New Podcast
The League of Women Voters of the Pikes Peak Region launched their new podcast, "Making Democracy Work," at the end of July. Shelly Roehrs, LWVPPR Spokesperson, provides information and resources to help the public be more active, engaged citizens and voters.
The podcast, an offshoot of the "Peak Town Square" program on Studio 809, will discuss topics like diversity, election transparency and community involvement. Future episodes will also feature expert panelists to walk listeners through potentially challenging subjects. 

Find "Making Democracy Work" on Studio 809 or your preferred podcast platform!

Donor Recognition

We could not perform the vital work of empowering voters and defending democracy without the generous contributions of our members and the public. Please visit our website for a list of our most recent donors. Thank you all for your support!


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