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Date: 10/1/2021
Subject: Board Briefings - Notes from the September LWVCO Board Meeting
From: Beth Hendrix

Board Briefings
October 2021

President's Letter: Preparing For The Election

From Karen Sheek, LWVCO Board President...

League Members,


We are pleased to welcome our new Operations Manager, Laura Baker. She was introduced to the Board at our September 21 meeting and has been busy learning the ins and outs of her new job. She is a welcome addition in the office and is looking forward to meeting and working with Local League members.


September was filled with a variety of Forums, and both Beth and I are thrilled with the interest and participation. Members signed up to share challenges and successes as we focused on JEDI, Voter Services, Fundraising, Partnerships, and Action & Advocacy. To continue the conversation or see what you missed, online Forums have been set up on the LWVCO website. To access them: log in, click on the MEMBERS pull-down menu on the far right at the top of the homepage. Click on FORUMS and then scan through the options available. Additional forums will be scheduled in the upcoming months, so check the CALENDAR for dates/times.


Toni Larson made a presentation at the recent Board meeting on the three initiatives certified for the ballot. Amendment 78 would transfer the power to appropriate state revenue not generated through taxes from the state treasurer to the state legislature. Proposition 119 would increase the marijuana retail sales tax by 5% to partially fund an out-of-school education program plus a board to govern it. Proposition 120 reduces the residential and non-residential property tax rates and would authorize the state to retain and spend $25 million in revenue above the TABOR spending cap.


Read more of Karen's letter on our website to learn about other LWVCO updates!
Looking for the FAQ Sheet that Karen mentions in her letter? View the document.

News You Can Use

Womxn's Rally This Saturday!


Join LWVCO on Saturday morning as we rally for reproductive rights! Denver Womxn's March has organized an event at the State Capitol featuring prominent guest speakers, which will kick off at 9:30 a.m. We will open our office at 8:30 that day to gather for coffee, donuts, and sign-making.


LWVUS is encouraging members to participate because the event aligns with our organization's stated positions on health care.

If you'd like to join us before the rally, please register so we can have a head count for supplies. We look forward to seeing you and standing united under the LWVCO banner!

Ballot Issues Material Available
With November 2 just around the corner, LWVCO has produced several resources for local Leagues to prepare for Election Day.
This year, there are three state issues on the ballot: Amendment 78 and Propositions 119 and 120.
Visit the Document Library for a toolkit containing reference guides, presentations, and graphics to help educate your communities.
Please note: printed versions of this information will be available soon in both English and Spanish!

  Join The LWVCO Nominating Committee


Are you looking for a way to get more involved with the Colorado League? Join the Nominating Committee! This group recruits skilled, passionate individuals for our Board and committees, and it serves such an important function that it's the only committee described in the LWVCO bylaws.
Joining the Nominating Committee requires committing to a two-year term. Frequent collaboration with League leadership -- along with partner organizations and nonmembers -- is expected in order to identify, contact, and educate the people who are interested in Board or committee service. These connections are valuable to better solicit multiple qualified individuals for the same vacancies.
If you are interested in pursuing this opportunity, please email Connie Fox, Chair of the Nominating Committee, as soon as possible.

New Citizens Register To Vote

On September 15, a special naturalization ceremony was held at the Colorado National Monument in Fruita. The ceremony, which celebrated National Citizenship Day, was in partnership with the National Park Service, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, and the U.S. Federal Court of Colorado. A total of 38 individuals representing 18 countries took the naturalization oath to become new Americans. LWV member Karen Sherman Perez, Civic Engagement and Development Coordinator for the Hispanic Affairs Project (HAP), had the opportunity to share a welcome message to new citizens during this ceremony. Part of this message included reminding these new citizens about the importance of voting. At the end of the ceremony, HAP registered 29 new voters! It was a great way to celebrate such a special day for these new Americans.

Flower Bulb Sale Raises Funds

For close to 30 years, the major fundraiser for the Denver League has been a flower bulb sale. They have used the same supplier from Holland who lives in Colorado for half the year. Several Colorado Leagues have participated in the sale over the years, earning a profit of one-third of the dollar amount they sell. Bulbs are presold in the spring and ordered from the supplier over the summer, featuring 21 tulips and 18 other products, including indoor forcing bulbs. The bulbs will come directly from Holland in the middle of October. Bulbs arrive in bulk for increased profit, so it is a big job for League members to count, package, and fill orders. This year, it was more than 16,000 bulbs! Working in the City Park greenhouse gives members the space they need to do their work. While the sale is over for this year, it will be open to other Leagues next year. Email Marty Sloven if you are interested or have any questions!

Upcoming Events

Save the date for Wednesday, Oct. 27! LWV of Larimer County is hosting a virtual forum about Strengthening the Public Health SystemThe public health system in Colorado and around the country has been challenged and, in many cases, threatened during the COVID pandemic. The need to de-politicize public health has been shown in the many attempts to override public health expertise and evidence in favor of political expediency. Public health leaders will present their ideas on the value of evidence-based decision-making and other strategies to maintain a solid public health system to protect our communities. Register today!

Voter Service Events

Ballot Issues Presentations

Oct. 5

5:00 p.m. - Ballot Issues Program [LWV Denver]

Oct. 7

6:30 p.m. - State & Local Ballot Issues [LWV Greeley-Weld County]

Oct. 9

10:00 a.m. - Local (Boulder) & State Ballot Issue Virtual Presentations [LWV Boulder County]

Oct. 10

3:00 p.m. - Local (Lafayette/Louisville) & State Ballot Issue Virtual Presentations [LWV Boulder County]

Oct. 12

7:00 p.m. - Ballot Issues Presentation [LWV Gunnison Valley]

Oct. 13
8:00 a.m. - Ballot Issues [LWV Uncompahgre Valley]
Oct. 14
7:00 p.m. - Ballot Issues Presentation [LWV Larimer County]
Candidate Forums

Oct. 3

2:00 p.m. - Longmont City Council Candidate Forum [LWV Boulder County]

Oct. 4

6:00 p.m. - Longmont City Council Mayoral Forum [LWV Boulder County]

Oct. 5

6:30 p.m. - District 20 School Board Candidate Forum [LWV Pikes Peak Region]

7:00 p.m. - Estes Park School District Candidate Virtual Forum [LWV Estes Park]

Oct. 6

6:30 p.m. - Boulder City Council Candidate Virtual Forum [LWV Boulder County]

6:30 p.m. - District 49 School Board Candidate Forum [LWV Pikes Peak Region]

6:30 p.m. - District 6 School Board Candidate Forum [LWV Greeley-Weld County]

7:00 p.m. - Poudre School Board Candidate Virtual Forum [LWV Larimer County]

Oct. 7

6:30 p.m. - Boulder City Council Candidate Virtual Forum [LWV Boulder County]

7:00 p.m. - Loveland City Council and Mayor Candidate Forum [LWV Larimer County]

Oct. 12

6:00 p.m. - Lafayette City Council Candidate Virtual Forum [LWV Boulder County]

7:00 p.m. - Thompson School Board Candidate Forum [LWV Larimer County]

Oct. 13

6:00 p.m. - Boulder Valley School Board Candidate Virtual Forum [LWV Boulder County]

Oct. 14

6:00 p.m. - Ouray City Council and Mayor Candidate Forum [LWV Uncompahgre Valley]

6:30 p.m. - District 20 School Board Candidate Forum [LWV Pikes Peak Region]

7:00 p.m. - District 51 School Board Candidate Forum [LWV Mesa County]

Oct. 17

6:00 p.m. - Crested Butte Town Council & Mayoral Candidate Forum [LWV Gunnison Valley]

Oct. 20

12:45 p.m. - Gunnison Candidate Forum [LWV Gunnison Valley]

Are any events missing from this list? Please notify to be included in our next email. Thank you!


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